

My name is Arturo Valentin, I was born in Dominican Republic, I'm the number 5th of a family of 9 sons and daughter 4 sons and 5 sisters. I was born in a Christian home of a very united family... the peculiar I remember from my early childhood is that even though my father was a pastor and with strong Christian principles, he had a deep respect for science and innovation technology, always, he used to talke about how important was overcome to make our world a better place, and I remember he used to said we “were little gods”, because we had a duty to manage well all creation and what we were doing, would influence by a negative or positive way the world; this unconsciously influenced me in a powerful way ... Although, I think also was born with a tendency to be creative and I've always been a little misfit to traditional, and I do not like prejudice, preconceptions or what others have pre-established and I love thinking outside the box.

I am a fan of science and technology, my passions are: cosmology, physics, neuroscience and music actually am a musician since childhood, I think the creative area of ​​my brain is dominant.

Since very little I knew I was very different from the rest of my brothers and sisters, because while they were playing, I usually spent secretly observing the sky and the stars and made me many questions as, who put the moon there, what is reason of the night there, who we really are, where we come from, what our mission in this life etc., and believe it or not, I remember this very well since I was 5 years old, and I made it secretly, so that they did not think I was crazy, and I actually think I am sometimes, because the issues that I think, usually are not very interested in other common.

Although I have done many jobs in my life to support me and my family, as a cook, teach in schools, etc. to be a musician, I always knew that my mission fund in this lifetime also were not very common to do other things, but I always lived ashamed that others would think of me, that if they think of me playing at being a gifted or genius, because in my country Dominican Republic as poor 3rd world country, we have no culture of being inventors, and I was really afraid they believe I wanted to stand out from the rest and being teased or feel antipathy of me ... but only a little over a year ago, I decided to be myself and overcome my own fears, and decided to take my real self, the real Arturo was always hidden, that neither my parents, no brothers, no friends, no children had no idea which was my other face, only my wife knew a little that another facet of mine, and she had some doubts because I never showed her anything concrete just my ideas and some physical equations to show that my ideas could be realized.

I decided to open my creativity, and develop many of my inventions that were dusty from years ago and makes new ones.

The rest is history, since early this year 2015 I decided to go to New York to register to the US patent office some of my inventions and record eight of them, including:
  • A system to make surer the train stations from New York and save dozens of lives a year
  • A glove and interactive video Games system for tablets
  • Efficient parking System for reduces spaces for vehicles
  • Anti-seismic System personalize and industrial Bunkers
  • Mosquito killer system totally ecological
  • Camera to take pictures & Videos in different way for Smart phones and other devices
  • Antigravity system for commercial aircraft to avoid the majority of aircraft accidents
  • Extender arms for sanding uncomfortable surfaces
These are some of the inventions that I have , now a day I have more than 35 inventions, I need my first invention success, for others can be developed.

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